Wednesday 8 October 2014

WOW!! I got selected as a finalist for the Kids Emporium's Blogging Mom Competition...yay!

Its a great honour & privilege to be selected as one of the five finalists for the Kids Emporium's Blogging Mom Competition. I would have never been selected if it was not for all my loyal fans & supporters. A MASSIVE thank you goes out to each and everyone of you :)

Please show your support by opening  the link below and Liking my Post (1 point) and Sharing (2 points). The post with the most points will WIN R5000 worth of exposure and a KE Hamper, which I would so love to win. Winners will be announced on 13.10.14, just two days before my birthday :) Please LIKE and SHARE if you think that my blog deserves to win. Thanks

Kids Emporium Blogging Mom Finalist: Mum-aholic

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